How LaSalle Benefits Can Help
Our Services
With Us, You're More Than Just a Number
We love serving our clients, and it shows
“A client’s employee was in Africa on a Safari. The car she was in rolled, and her arm was crushed. The LaSalle Benefits team helped her get flown to the largest local town for treatment where she was stabilized and then transported back to the US.
When she got back to her hometown in a rural part of the country, they didn’t have the medical staff to treat her. LaSalle Benefits again came through, ensuring she was transported and treated at Mayo Clinic.”

“Our client, a large asset management firm on the east coast, had a client of their own who had an individual policy and was having issues getting some claims paid. Her insurance company wouldn’t assist her, and she was frustrated.
Our client reached out to ask if we might be able to assist her even though she wasn’t their employee. In less than 48 hours, we had her claims paid and resolved.”

“The Head of HR for a large technology firm was going in for back surgery. A few weeks prior, we reached out to wish him luck, and see if he needed anything. We asked if he was using a network doctor and hospital. Turns out, he wasn’t.
Luckily, he was able to postpone the surgery and save upwards of $35,000 by using an in-network doctor.”

“A client’s employee was trying to file a disability claim on her own. She went directly to the insurance company and was turned down multiple times.
When she reached out to us, she was frustrated. We took the time to understand her role, and why she was unable to perform her job. We clearly communicated that to the insurance company and got her claim approved. ”

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